Mt Venn Gold Project (CAZ 100%)

On 20 May 2016, the Company acquired all the shares in private exploration company Yamarna West Pty Ltd. Yamarna Wests’ key asset is exploration licence application E38/3111 which covers the majority of the Mount Venn greenstone belt located in the north-eastern goldfields of Western Australia. The Company then added to this position by the application of a further contiguous exploration licence (E38/3150) which increased this land holding to control ~90% of the belt over ~50km. 

The Mount Venn project is located 125 km northeast of Laverton and just 40 km west of Gold Road Resources’ (GOR) Gruyere gold deposit (148 Mt @ 1.30 g/t Au for 6.16M oz per GOR announcement dated 22 April 2016).

The belt lies adjacent to the boundary between the Burtville and Yamarna Terranes and has many similarities with the Dorothy Hills greenstone belt which hosts Gruyere. Gruyere is located on an inflection of the NW striking Dorothy Hills Shear, a first order structure transecting much of the belt and into which an internal granite, the Gruyere Porphyry (host to the gold mineralisation), has intruded. The Mount Venn belt also contains major shears and internal granites which are being targeted by the Company.

The Mount Venn belt is probably one of the most under explored greenstone belts for gold in Western Australia. Whilst regional scale geophysical and surface geochemical programmes have been undertaken in the past the focus has been on nickel and base metal exploration and there has been almost no systematic drilling undertaken for gold.

The Company recently signed a Native Title Agreement with the Yilka People and the Cosmo Newberry Aboriginal Corporation which covers the project area.

Goldfields Lithium Alliance (CAZ 50%, LIT 50%)

In May 2016, Cazaly and Lithium Australia Limited (ASX: LIT) signed an agreement to combine their respective holdings for the exploration and development of pegmatite minerals including lithium minerals in the Goldfields region of Western Australia.  

The agreement includes the obligation for both parties to offer to the Alliance rights to pegmatite minerals over any existing or additional ground secured within a 100km radius of Kalgoorlie for an initial period of 5 years.

The Alliance immediately granted Cazaly 50% of LIT’s rights to the Coolgardie Rare Metals Venture (CRMV) which is contiguous with the Company’s recently announced Kangaroo Hills Lithium Project (CAZ ASX release 13 April 2016). The CRMV is a LIT initiative with Focus Minerals Limited (ASX: FML) and includes the historic lithium production centres of the Lepidolite Hill and Tantalite Hill mines. Under LIT’s terms of its agreement with FML, LIT has the rights to all metals derived from pegmatites on the property and will free-carry FML a 20% interest until a decision is made to commit to feasibility.

Further ground was added to the GLiA via the acquisition of the rights to ‘Pegmatite Minerals’ in the Widgiemooltha pegmatite field located ~45km south east of Coolgardie and 25km south of the globally significant Mount Marion Lithium Project

Cobalt Projects (CAZ 100%)

The Company has also applied for exploration permits in both Queensland and New South Wales covering historic workings and prospects with recorded significant cobalt and manganese mineralisation. Cobalt is seeing a resurgence given its role as a key battery metal alongside of graphite and lithium. Cobalt is present in lithium-ion batteries in the lithium cobaltite cathodes used in smartphones, and also with lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt and lithium-nickel-cobalt-aluminium oxide cathodes which are both used in laptops and electric vehicles. 

Cobalt supply is currently constrained as it is typically a by-product from nickel and copper mining both of which are in current decline. This, combined with the predicted escalation in demand from the lithium battery market, sees cobalt as being a particularly vulnerable component of the supply chain for battery manufacturers. Battery cell manufacturers who have secure cobalt supply chains will have a critical advantage over their competitors. 

In Queensland, the Mount Tabor project licence lies to the north west of Injune and approximately 130km directly north of Mitchell in south-central Queensland. The application covers Jurassic sediments of the intra-cratonic Surat Basin and includes a series of Tertiary mafic intrusives. Manganese rich pods occur sporadically throughout the area and are found to contain appreciable amounts of potentially economic cobalt.

Parker Range Iron Ore Project (CAZ 100%)

Despite the relatively low iron ore price, the Company continues to seek avenues to commence the development of the Parker Range iron ore project. The Parker Range project is the only “mine ready” iron ore deposit in the region not currently in operation. Parker Range has a fully completed definitive feasibility study and all key approvals are in place to commence development.

McKenzie Springs Nickel/Graphite Project (CAZ 100%)

Located immediately south & along strike of the Savannah Nickel Mine (Panoramic Resources Ltd), Kimberley, WA. Prospective ultramafic basal contact extends for ~15km. Limited historic work, High grade gossan samples returned 12.8% Cu, 1.92% Ni, 0.17% Co. 

The project also lies adjacent to Hexagon Resources Limited’s MacIntosh Graphite Project which has an Indicated and Inferred resource of 17.2Mt @ 4.63% Total Graphitic Carbon for 797,200t of contained graphite. Reconnaissance work at McKenzie Springs by the Company discovered an outcropping graphitic schist unit and identified further evidence of graphite bearing units associated with high grade metamorphic rocks of the Tickalara Metamorphic suite which trend throughout the tenement for ~15 kilometres. This is the same unit hosting Hexagon’s Resources Limited’s neighbouring Macintosh Graphite Project.

Czech Republic Uranium Project (CAZ 80%)

Cazaly has two uranium project applications, Brzkov & Horni Venice, which are located in the Czech Republic. The State mining enterprise, Diamo, is closing the country’s only operating uranium mine & has publicly indicated an interest in mining at Brzkov.

Halls Creek Copper Project (CAZ 20%, DDD 80%)

The Company has an agreement with 3D Resources Limited (DDD) to earn up to a 75% interest in the Halls Creek copper project, located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The Halls Creek project comprises a large package of six tenements covering an area of approximately 298 km², near the township of Halls Creek covering part of the Halls Creek Mobile Zone which is highly prospective for a range of commodities including base metals, gold, diamonds and nickel.