A Diverse International Portfolio

Australian based resource exploration company that operates internationally, holding a diverse portfolio of mineral projects in Australia, Canada and Namibia.

Carb REE Project
Red Lake District, Ontario

The Carb REE Project is located in the Red Lake District of Ontario, Canada, a well-known mining province comprising 93 mineral claims covering a very large +3km diameter carbonatite complex and is prospective for REE and Nb.  Anomalous historical results include 7.1% Niobium.

Sundown Lithium JV Project
James Bay Province, Quebec

Cazaly holds a 25% interest in the Sundown lithium JV project which lies in the world-class James Bay Lithium Province. James Bay is host to several advanced lithium projects and new lithium discoveries in Canada and comprises 510 mining claims covering pegmatite outcrops spanning over 260km2. Located in the heart of this rapidly developing lithium province.

Goongarrie Gold Project
Eastern Goldfields, WA

Goongarrie is located in the northeastern goldfields, 90km north of Kalgoorlie, and is easily accessible via the Goldfields Highway that runs along the western boundary of the project area. The Project consists of 70km2 of greenstone sequence within the Kalgoorlie Terrain.

Importantly the Project covers twelve kilometers of the Bardoc Tectonic Zone (BTZ), which is the northern extension of the Boulder-Lefroy Shear Zone (BLSZ) to the south, one of the richest gold mineralised structures in the Yilgarn Craton.

Halls Creek Copper
Kimberley Region, WA

Halls Creek Copper, Zinc and Silver project is situated 25km southwest of Halls Creek and extends over 10km of strike on the Halls Creek Mobile Zone which is highly prospective for a range of commodities including copper, gold and nickel. The project includes the Mount Angelo North volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) copper-zinc-silver deposit and the Bommie porphyry copper deposit. In late 2022, Cazaly executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with AuKing to include the Halls Creek project into their Koongie Park copper-zinc mine scoping study.

Ashburton Copper Project
Pilbara, WA

Cazaly’s Ashburton project is located in the Ashburton Basin, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Cazaly holds rights to the Cheela Copper prospect located along the Najilgardy fault zone which is a major regional scale structure making the boundary between the Capricorn Orogen and the Pilbara Craton. The structure is associated with significant deposits including Black Cat’s (ASX: BC8) Paulsens gold mine and Kalamazoo’s (ASX:KZR) Mount Olympus gold mine. Cheela is highly prospective for copper mineralisation. The mineralised copper trend continues to the south-east with anomalous rock chip samples extending the anomaly over 2km strike. Two of the three samples assayed above 10% copper with the highest assay 32% copper. Three EM targets have been identified closely associated with the NW trending fault, interpreted to be a splay off the Nanjilgardy fault within the broader Nanjilgardy fault zone. All three EM targets are yet to be drill tested.

Mount Venn JV
Eastern Goldfields, WA

The Mt Venn project is managed by Woomera Mining Limited and located 125km northeast of Laverton in the North-eastern Goldfields Region of Western Australia. It covers approximately 400km2 of greenstone sequence prospective for gold, nickel & platinum group metals.

The project is subject to an unincorporated joint venture between the operators Woomera Mining Limited (ASX: WML 80%, CAZ 20%).

McKenzie Springs JV
Kimberley Region, WA

Sammy Resources Pty Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Cazaly) is in joint venture with Fin Resources Ltd over exploration licence E80/4808, the McKenzie Springs Project, located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The project is prospective for nickel, copper, graphite and base metals.

The McKenzie Springs JV project
is managed by Fin Resources Ltd (ASX: FIN 70%, CAZ 30%).

Kaoko Lithium
Northern Namibia

The Kaoko lithium project is located in northern Namibia, approximately 800km by road from the capital of Windhoek and approximately 750km from the port of Walvis Bay. The area has excellent infrastructure, located 50km from Opuwo, the regional capital, which has an airport and well-maintained bitumen roads.

Abenab North REE & Base Metals Northern Namibia

The Abenab North project lies in the Otavi Mountain Land region of northern Namibia located approximately 450km by road from the capital of Windhoek. The exploration licence application area covers approximately 790km2 in an area with excellent infrastructure supported by the towns of Tsumeb and Grootfontein. The project is considered to be highly prospective for base metals and rare earth element (REE) mineralisation as evidenced from the results of previous but limited exploration.