Halls Creek Copper Project

Mount Angelo deposit features a JORC code compliant resource.
Maiden Resource Estimate completed on the Bommie Deposit
Entire region highly prospective and exploration continues.


Halls Creek copper project is situated 25km southwest of Halls Creek in Western Australia’s Kimberley region and covers part of the Halls Creek Mobile Zone which is highly prospective for a range of commodities including copper, gold, and nickel.

The project includes the Mount Angelo North copper-zinc deposit, an extensive zone of near surface oxidised Cu-Zn mineralisation overlying massive Cu-Zn sulphide mineralisation.

Mineral Resources are reported in accordance with the JORC Code 2012, the Mount Angelo North mineral resource estimate is reported as 1.72Mt @ 1.4% Cu, 1.4% Zn, 12.3ppm Ag (using 0.4% Cu lower cut) for 23,000 tonnes copper, 25,000 tonnes zinc, 680,000 ounces of silver.

The Bommie Porphyry Copper mineral resource estimate is reported as 95.6Mt @ 0.27% Cu for 262,000 tonnes copper metal (using 0.2% Cu lower cut) and includes 16Mt @ 0.3% Cu of indicated material for 48,000 tonnes copper metal.

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Latest Announcements
picture of Maiden Resource Estimate – Bommie Copper Deposit

24 November, 2022

Maiden Resource Estimate – Bommie Copper Deposit

picture of Copper Assay Results Received

14 October, 2022

Copper Assay Results Received