McKenzie Springs JV
McKenzie Springs JV Project
Kimberley, Western Australia
30% CAZ – 70% FIN (Fin Resources)
Proven Mineral District in Kimberley Region, WA
Large Project with over 13km of prospective basal contact of host ultramafic units
Diamond Drilling completed by FIN identified EM conductors off hole and intersected disseminated sulphides
The McKenzie Springs project lies in the Kimberley region of Western Australia along strike to the Savannah Nickel Mine (Panoramic Resources Limited) and adjacent to the Macintosh Graphite deposits (Lamboo Resources Limited).
The project comprises tenement E80/4808 and is prospective for nickel, copper, graphite and PGMS. The project is in joint venture with Fin Resources Ltd (Managers) and Cazaly retain a 30% interest.
Mineralisation within the McKenzie Springs tenement is associated with the basal contact of mafic-ultramafic rocks in a similar geological setting to the Savannah Nickel Mine to the north.
Proven Nickel-Copper Region
The East Kimberley region has excellent potential for hosting magmatic nickel-copper sulphide and PGM mineralisation (Platinum Group Metals). Two significant mineralised bodies have been discovered in this area to date within intrusive complexes of the Halls Creek Orogen.
These are the Panton project, with a resource of 14.3 Mt @ 4.5g/t PGM+Au (Panoramic Resources, March 2012) and the Savannah Cu-Ni sulphide deposit with a resource of 3.1 Mt @ 1.5% Ni, 0.89% Cu and 0.08% Co (Panoramic Resources, July 2013).
These deposits, owned by Panoramic Resources Ltd (ASX: PAN), are 30km and 9km away from the McKenzie Springs tenement, E80/4808 respectively.
Diamond Drilling
In 2021, Fin Resources conducted a diamond drilling campaign consisting of three holes for 948 metres to test high priority EM conductors defined from Fixed Loop Electromagnetic geophysical surveys.
Following the drilling, downhole transient electromagnetic (DHTEM) surveying was completed on each drillhole. The aim of the DHTEM was to detect and delineate bedrock conductors of interest adjacent to the diamond drillholes.
Whilst the drilling did not intersect significant sulphides, broad disseminated zones of sulphides were encountered and several weak to strong in-hole and off-hole anomalies were identified, many of which are likely to be related to sulphide mineralisation.
For McKenzie project updates, please refer to the Fin Resources website: https://www.finresources.com.au/
Project Gallery
Latest Announcements

25 February, 2021
Results of Diamond Drilling completed at McKenzie Springs

26 October, 2020
Semi-Massive Sulphides intersected at McKenzie Springs Nickel Project

7 October, 2020
Drilling Commenced Targeting Nickel Sulphides at McKenzie Springs